President Davies answers questions regarding strategic pathways


Central Michigan University President Bob Davies and Provost Mary Schutten answered questions about the previously announced strategic pathways from the Academic Senate on April 20.

Members of the Academic Senate asked questions to clarify the academic pathways strategies that were presented by the Strategic Envisioning Pathway Committee during the April 6 meeting. 

Many questions were asked, including the decision making process as to how the information was presented to the senators. Davies responded that many of these decisions were made internally by the Strategic Envisioning Pathway Committee with his oversight.

Multiple senators asked questions regarding the new emphasis on rigor and excellence in strategic pathways and its intended purpose.  

"My intent is to redouble the emphasis on rigor and excellence," Davies said. "this is a reemphasis on the global outreach of the institution, and aggressive appeal to continue to be creative and innovative with academic programs."

Sen. Martha Frank asked why faculty were not listed as stakeholders in the language of the strategy. Davies stated that the stakeholders in reference were external stakeholders not involved in the strategic process and students and faculty are still considered internal stakeholders.

The full list of questions and responses can be found in the academic senate recordings on the CMU homepage.

The senate postponed all other discussion issues until the Academic Senate meeting of May 5.

Other Business

  • The senate approved graduation numbers of the Spring 2021 semester.
  • Provost Schutten announced the three winning students of the President award for outstanding research and creative activity, Yasmeen Duncan, Abigail Shepard and Katie Pulaski. As well as the seven winning students of the Provost award for outstanding research and creative activity Kiara Cushway, Paige Dombrowski, Julia Kalusniak, Nick Malendowski, Elizabeth Scupholm, Lillian Tibbott and Julia Willsie.

Academic Senate meetings are live-streamed and recorded available for free on the CMU homepage.
